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Sabato 27 Lug 2024
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) A Camp A Camp: 'I Can Buy You'
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A Camp: 'I Can Buy You'

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A Camp

I Can Buy You

A life of sanity and dignity
You know it takes two
And what's the use in being a millionaire
If I can't have you

I wanna buy you a home
I'll pay your friends
If you're feeling alone
The pain of losing a guy like you
Is a bigger cost
Than paying your dues

I can buy you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you do what you don't
And I can hire you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you love me
I can't make you

You say I'd never go for a little
And I always need more
And you're a thousand dollar playboy
That I just can't afford

But I guess you got me, oh, oh
You got me hanging around
For too long
I don't wanna stop it, oh no, oh no
I bet your life that it's
With me you belong

And I can buy you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you do what you don't
And I can hire you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you love me
I can't make you care

So if I can't make you love me
If I can't make you care
What price can take me there
In this world
Somebody told me cash is king

I didn't mean to force you, oh no
But I bet a fortune it's
With me you belong

And I can buy you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you do what you don't
And I can hire you, oh yeah, oh yeah
But I can't make you love me
I can't make you care

I can't take you there

(Album: 'A Camp', 2001, degli A Camp)

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