Claudio Malune: 'The tides on the shore of Pollux'
The tides on the shore of Pollux
The tides on the shore of Pollux,
once the rage is ceased, wherever they recede
I accompany them,
and I love this vision, I love
to feel it imaginary, like
of quietness that soften the spirits.
Indeed I chase that ebb
from star to star, becoming excited by the stupidity
of certain disagreements, rumours
of little value, that in the adolescent
passion of the first times
they mantain facetious our irascible minds;
So I can curse the time
consumed arguing,
but celebrate, once peace is restored,
that imaginary chasing
through shores wet
by far waters, furrowed
in unknown constellations.
(Claudio Malune)
#[Traduzione a cura di: Alessandro Fois]
Digital Art: behindinfinity, 'Lunar Tides - Wallpaper'