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Sabato 27 Lug 2024
You are here: Home Raccolte Poetiche Fili d'Erba (Poesie 2004-2005) The Cranberries: 'Cordell'
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The Cranberries: 'Cordell'

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The Cranberries


Once you ruled my mind
I thought you'd always be there
And I'll always hold on to your face
But everything changes in time
And the answers are not always fair
And I hope you've gone to a better place

Time will tell
They say that you've passed away
And I hope you've gone to a better place
Time will tell
Time will tell
They say that you've passed away
And I know that you've gone to a better place
Cordell [x7]

Your lover and baby will cry
But your presence will always remain
Is this how it was meant to be?
You meant something more to me
That what many people will see
And to hell with the endless dream

Time will tell
They say that you've passed away
And I hope you've gone to a better place
Time will tell
Time will tell
We all will depart and decay
And we all will return to a better place
Cordell [x7]

(Album: 'To The Faithful Departed', 1996, dei The Cranberries)

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