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Sabato 27 Lug 2024
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) Giardini Di Mirò Giardini Di Mirò: 'Little Victories'
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Giardini Di Mirò: 'Little Victories'

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Giardini Di Mirò

Little Victories

Find a way to leave unscathed
Taking nothing but half baked ideas

Little victories are all I claim
My regard was not enough for you
For you

Miles away from where I want to be
Miles away from where I want to be
Can't find a way
Can't find a way
Gave my best for you
Gave my best for you
Gave my best for you
Gave my best for you

(Album: 'Rise And Fall Of Academic Drifting', 2001, dei Giardini Di Mirò)

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