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Sabato 27 Lug 2024
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) Massive Attack Massive Attack: 'Special Cases'
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Massive Attack: 'Special Cases'

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Massive Attack

Special Cases

Don't tell your man what he don't do right
Nor tell him all the things that make you cry
But check yourself for your own shit
And don't be making out like it's all his

Take a look around the world
You see such bad things happening
There are many good men
Ask yourself is he one of them

The deadliest of sin is pride
Make you feel like you're always right
But they're always two sides
It takes two to make love, two to make a life

Take a look around the world
You see such mad things happening
There are few good men
Thank your lucky star that he's one of them

(Album: '100th Window', 2003, dei Massive Attack)

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