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Sabato 27 Lug 2024
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) Damien Dempsey Damien Dempsey: 'Sing All Our Cares Away'
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Damien Dempsey: 'Sing All Our Cares Away'

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Damien Dempsey

Sing All Our Cares Away

Mary loves the Grouse
Hides the bottles round the house
She watches chatshows and the soaps
Broken-hearted but she copes

Michael's out of work
Feels he's sinking in the murk
He's unshaven and a mess
Fnds it hard some days to dress

Stevie smashed the delf
Cos he can't express himself
He's consumed by rage
Like his father at his age

Rita's little child
Has a lovely little smile
But this means nothing to her father
Because he's never even seen her

And we sing, sing all our cares away
And we live to fight another day

Joey's off the gear
He's been clean for half a year
He gets bored out of his mind
But he's trying to toe the line

Maggie's in a chair
'Twas joyriding put her there
She puts the kettle on the boil
And she's always got a smile

And we sing, sing all our cares away
And we live to fight another day

And we sing, sing all our cares away
And we live to love another day

We grow strong from it all
We grow strong, or we fall

We grow strong from it all
We grow strong, or we fall

We grow strong

(Album: 'Shots', 2005, di Damien Dempsey)

# Il Brano al Cinema: Film & Colonne Sonore che lo ospitano #

"Tyrannosaur - Tirannosauro", 2011, di Paddy Considine

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