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Sabato 27 Lug 2024
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) Tracy Chapman Tracy Chapman: 'Less Than Strangers'
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Tracy Chapman: 'Less Than Strangers'

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Tracy Chapman

Less Than Strangers

You and me
Had some history
Had a semblance of honesty
All that has changed now
We shared words
Only lover speak
How can it be
We are less than strangers

Oh it hurts to lose in love
Let anger and cruelty win
It's unfair that you doubt your feelings
And that you'll ever love again
I know that hearts can change
Like the seasons and the wind
But when I said forever
I thought that we'd always be friends

You and me had some history
Had a semblance of honesty
All that has changed now
We shared words
Only lovers speak
How can it be
We are less than strangers

I thought I saw you yesterday
I thought I passed you on the street
I swear I saw your face
I was not imagining
That you stole a glance my way
You walked away from me
My heart it may be broken
But my eyes are dry to see

You and me had some history
Had a semblance of honesty
All that has changed now
We shared words
Only lovers speak
How can it be
We are less than strangers

(Album: 'Telling Stories', 2000, di Tracy Chapman)

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