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Sabato 27 Lug 2024
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) Amos Lee Amos Lee: 'Long Line Of Pain'
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Amos Lee: 'Long Line Of Pain'

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Amos Lee

Long Line Of Pain

Comin' from a long line of pain
My family suffered greatly for my gain
And I think a lot about
How my daddy died so I would not live with out
And his heart lives in my song
The melody comes and just as quickly the melody is gone
And I'm back alone far from home

Now my mamma's on her own
I try to call and see her when I'm home...
After all that she's been through
All the doctors say there ain't nothin' we can do
And her heart lives in my song
The melody comes and just as quickly the melody is gone
And I'm back alone far from home

There's a bird outside my window
Who takes the song where he goes
And leaves it there
Like a dead man's rockin' chair

And tonight I'm feelin' lost and
Headin' down the highway out to Boston
I get the sense that I might lose it
I thank god tonight for the light I got in music
'Cause my heart lives in this song
The melody comes and just as quickly the melody is gone
I'm back alone far from home

(Album: 'Supply And Demand', 2006, di Amos Lee)

Immagine tratta dal film "Spider-Man: Far From Home", 2019, di Jon Watts

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