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Venerdì 24 Gen 2025
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) The Smashing Pumpkins [Batman & Robin] * The Smashing Pumpkins: 'The End Is The Beginning Is The End'
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[Batman & Robin] * The Smashing Pumpkins: 'The End Is The Beginning Is The End'

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The Smashing Pumpkins

The End Is The Beginning Is The End

The sewers belch me up
The heavens spit me out
From ethers tragic I am born again
And now I'm with you now
Inside your world of wow
To move in desires made of deadly pretends
Till the end times begin

Is it bright where you are
Have the people changed
Does it make you happy you're so strange
And in your darkest hour, I hold secrets flame
You can watch the world devoured in it's pain

Climb my ribcage to
The replays run for you
Unhook my lights to peek behind the flash
For I am crystal chrome
I am shatter dome
I am kremlin king of angels avenged
To destroy the end

Is it bright where you are
Have the people changed
Does it make you happy you're so strange
And in your darkest hour, I hold secrets flame
You can watch the world devoured in it's pain

The zeppelins rain upon us
The guns of love disastrous
A shadow lies amongst you
To defy the future cast

Is it bright where you are
Have the people changed
Does it make you happy you're so strange
And in your darkest hour, I hold secrets flame
You can watch the world devour in it's pain

[ Brano tratto dal film "Batman & Robin", 1997, di Joel Schumacher ]

(Album: 'Batman & Robin - Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture', 1997, di Artisti Vari)

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