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Lunedì 13 Gen 2025
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) The Vines The Vines: 'Autumn Shade II'
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The Vines: 'Autumn Shade II'

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The Vines

Autumn Shade II

Look through me because I am transparent
Ought to know me but why even know yourself
I'm beginning to need all that I can't have
I'm succeeding to speak like I'm fucking mad

Looking at the autumn shade
You are white and I am grey
Looking at the autumn shade, oh yeah

Look through me because I am transparent
Ought to know me but why even know yourself
I'm beginning to need all that I can't have
I'm succeeding to speak like I'm fucking mad

Looking at the autumn shade
You are white and I am grey
Looking at the autumn shade, oh yeah

(Album: 'Winning Days', 2004, dei The Vines)

Immagine tratta dal documentario "Fucking In Love", 2015, di Justine Pluvinage

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