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Sabato 01 Giu 2024
You are here: Home Citazioni Beck [Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World] * Beck: 'Threshold'
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[Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World] * Beck: 'Threshold'

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I'm hearing voices, animal noises
The creme de la creme, the feminine abyss
And I'm reaching my threshold
Staring at the truth 'till I'm blind

My body's stupid, stereo putrid
Spilling out music into raw sewage
I'm reaching my threshold
Staring at the truth 'till I'm blind

My threshold
My threshold
Reaching my threshold

I'm hearing voices, animal noises
The creme de la creme, the feminine abyss
And I'm reaching my threshold
Staring at the truth 'till I'm blind

My threshold
I'll explode

Reaching my threshold
(My threshold)
My threshold
(My threshold)
My threshold
(Reaching my threshold)
My threshold

(Brano tratto dal film "Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World", 2010, di Edgar Wright, registrato con lo pseudonimo dei Sex Bob-omb, band fittizia del film e della miniserie a fumetti "Scott Pilgrim", 2004-2010, scritta e disegnata da Bryan Lee O'Malley)

(Album: 'Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack', 2010, di Artisti Vari)

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