[Una Canzone Per Bobby Long] * John Travolta: 'Barbara Allen'

John Travolta

Barbara Allen

(Rilettura di una celebre ballata tradizionale in lingua inglese)

Mother, go make my bed
Make it long and narrow
My true love died for me yesterday
I shall die for him tomorrow

She was burried in a church house yard
And he was burried there beside her
And from his grave grew roses red
From hers grew green brier

They grew and grew so very high
'Till they can grow no higher
And at the top grew their true love's nut
Twine with green brier

(Brano eseguito nel film "Una Canzone Per Bobby Long" | A Love Song For Bobby Long | 2004, di Shainee Gabel)

(Album: 'A Love Song For Bobby Long', 2005, di Artisti Vari)

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