Suede: 'The Living Dead' (acoustic)



The Living Dead (acoustic)

Where's all the money gone?
I'm talking to you
All up the hole in your arm
Is the needle a much better screw?
But oh what will you do alone?
'Cause I have to go

Where is this life of fun that you promised me?
Nothing here works but your works and I mean it
I have to leave
But oh what will you do alone?
'Cause I have to go

If I was the wife of an acrobat would I look like the living dead boy?
You're on the wire and can't get back, let's talk about the living dead
Could have had a car, could have had it all
Could have walked in the sky but we stare at the wall

I know where the money's gone
I know what you do
'Cause I've seen the hole in your arm and
The needle's a much better screw

But oh, what will you do alone?
'Cause I have to go

(Single: 'Stay Together', 1994, degli Suede)

Immagine tratta dal film "Il Ritorno Dei Morti Viventi" | The Return Of The Living Dead | 1985, di Dan O'Bannon

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