The Turtles: 'Elenore'

The Turtles


You got a thing about you
I just can't live without you
I really want you Elenore near me
Your looks intoxicate me
Even though your folks hate me
There's no one like you Elenore really

Elenore gee I think you're swell
And you really do me well
You're my pride and joy et cetera
Elenore can I take the time
To ask you to speak your mind?
Tell me that you love me better

I really think you're groovy
Let's go out to a movie
What do you say now, Elenore can we?
They'll turn the lights way down low
Maybe we won't watch the show
I think I love you, Elenore, love me

Elenore, gee I think you're swell
And you really do me well
You're my pride and joy, et cetera
Elenore, can I take the time
To ask you to speak your mind?
Tell me that you love me better
One more time!
Elenore, gee I think you're swell, ah-hah
Elenore, gee I think you're swell, ah-hah-hah

(Album: 'The Turtles Present The Battle Of The Bands', 1968, dei The Turtles)

# Il Brano al Cinema: Film & Colonne Sonore che lo ospitano #

"I Love Radio Rock", 2009, di Richard Curtis

(Album: 'The Boat That Rocked', 2009, di Artisti Vari)

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