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Giovedì 13 Feb 2025
You are here: Home Raccolte Poetiche Poesie Tradotte in Inglese Claudio Malune: 'Eternal in two lovers' memory'
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Claudio Malune: 'Eternal in two lovers' memory'

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Eternal in two lovers' memory

It is time consecrated to the night

the one that you preserved for us,

with a kiss you made me immortal

for your joyful lips.

And with another kiss

I made you immortal for me

and only me, for my mouth

thirsty for new seasons,

for my mind that does not compromise

your absence.

I tell you that we became immortal,

both of us, and with a touch of your being

I could die here and now,

in the night that was consecrated for us

and for our most ardent flavours.

(Claudio Malune)

#[Traduzione a cura di: Alessandro Fois]

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