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Sabato 01 Giu 2024
You are here: Home Raccolte Poetiche Poesie Tradotte in Sardo Suede: 'So Young'
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Suede: 'So Young'

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So Young

Because we're young, because we're gone
Oh, we'll take the tide's electric mind
Oh yeah, oh yeah

We're so young and so gone
Let's chase the dragon, oh

Because we're young, because we're gone
Oh, we'll scare the skies with tiger's eyes
Oh yeah, oh yeah

We're so young and so gone
Let's chase the dragon, oh
Let's chase the dragon, oh
Let's chase the dragon

From our home high in the city
Where the skyline stained the snow
I fell for a servant who kept me on the boil

We're so young and so gone
Let's chase the dragon from our home, home, home

From our home, home, home
From our home, home, home
From our home, home, home

(Album: 'Suede', 1993, degli Suede)

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