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Venerdì 14 Giu 2024
You are here: Home Musica (Testi & Video) Blind Pilot Blind Pilot: 'Half Moon'
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Blind Pilot: 'Half Moon'

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Blind Pilot

Half Moon

That morning sky gave me a look
So I left while you were sleeping
That's all it took
And I chalked a line south down the coast
Going where my thirst was open
For the things that I don't know
Going where I wasn't paying
For the hurt that I owe
One half moon sleeping by the creeks
And a woman put me under
Her barn roof for a week
I knew her voice before she spake
I saw a grave dug by a preacher
Just to see what it would make

So hold high have faith your reasons
(Or you'll never get on)
Don't you forget you come from nothing
(Or you'll never get on)
That wind is calling my name
I won't wait or I'll never get on

It's not hard to live like a ghost
I just haunt all that I've wanted
And leave what I don't
I dreamt a trail up to the sky
And my brothers built propellers
Just to see how far they'd fly

So hold high have faith your reasons
(Or you'll never get on)
Your flashing sparrows chasing with them
(Or you'll never get on)
Don't you forget you come from nothing
(Or you'll never get on)
That wind is calling my name
I won't wait or I'll never get on

That wind is calling my name
I won't wait or I'll never get on

So hold high have faith your reasons
Hold high have faith your reasons
Hold high have faith your reasons
That wind is calling my name
I won't wait or I'll never get on

(Album: 'We Are The Tide', 2011, dei Blind Pilot)

# Il Brano al Cinema e in TV: Film & Colonne Sonore che lo ospitano #

"Bates Motel", 2013-?, serie TV creata da Anthony Cipriano
[ NOTE: il brano appare nell'episodio "A Death In The Family" - stagione 3, episodio 1, 2015 ]

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